Apply for STANZA Associate Membership

Please review checklist prior to completing online Application. See checklist here.

The Application Form does not have a ‘save’ function, so please ensure you have all uploads and information as per the checklist BEFORE completing your Application

    Personal Details

    Country of residence:

    Professional Details

    Applicants need to hold a current membership in a professional association for Art Therapists, Counsellors, Medical Practitioners, Mental Health Practitioners, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, or other recognised mental health profession or pedagogy profession OR a license to practice in a mental health profession.

    Are you covered by a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy??

    Training Progress

    Please provide information on your progress so far towards becoming a Certified Sandplay Therapist

    Have you begun or completed a Personal Sandplay Therapy Process with a STANZA/ISST CST-T or STANZA/ISST CST?

    Have you been or are you currently in supervision with a Teaching Member of STANZA or ISST?

    Have you submitted a symbol paper(s) and had it approved by an ISST CST-T?

    Evidence Uploads

    The application requires the following evidence to be uploaded with the current application form in PDF format.
    Each individual file uploaded needs to be smaller than 3MB in size.

    • A copy of your current membership certificate(s) and/or registration with your professional association(s).

    • A copy of your certificate of currency for professional insurance.

    • A copy of a Current Working with Children Check (only applicable if your practice includes working with children).

    If you wish, you may submit additional information to support your application for STANZA Associate Membership.

    Declaration for Membership Applicant

    1. I do not have a criminal record that may prejudice the interests and safety of children.

    2. I have not been convicted or a crime in any state or country.

    3. I have not been dismissed from employment on the grounds of professional misconduct.

    4. I have not been refused membership of a professional association or registration board on the grounds of professional misconduct, unprofessional conduct, incompetence or negligence in any state or country.

    5. I do not have any complaints, charges or investigations pending against me for any violation of ethics codes, professional misconduct, unprofessional conduct, incompetence or negligence in any state or country.

    6. I have not had a professional liability claim made against me.

    7. The information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and does not contain any false or misleading information regarding my membership or identity. I understand that any deliberate misrepresentations in the information that I have supplied will jeopardise my application and membership with STANZA.

    I confirm the above to be true:

    Please provide further information if you cannot make this declaration.