Teaching members of STANZA shall meet at least the minimum membership qualifications for Certified Sandplay Therapist and Sandplay Therapist – Teaching member as established by ISST at the time application.
A STANZA Teaching Member is not only a fine clinician and an excellent teacher, but also fulfills other requirements including: (a) demonstrating the capacity to prepare students for STANZA membership in the tradition of Dora Kalff, (b) teaching students to use the Jungian/STANZA/ISST approach to Sandplay, and (c) demonstrating knowledge of the requirements and procedures that students must follow in order to become STANZA members. Prerequisites shall be:
- A minimum of two years of experience conducting full Sandplay processes after STANZA or ISST certification.
- Attendance at an ISST congress (or a ISST Member Congress at which Teaching Members of other ISST Member Societies are present) and present a paper, OR attend an ISST conference (or a ISST Member Congress at which Teaching Members of other ISST Member Societies are present) and publish an article in a sandplay or other journal.
- Prepare and present at least one clinical case in addition to the individual’s final case membership as a Certified Sandplay Therapist. This material may be presented at an ISST conference, and/or used in co-teaching with a teaching member. In co-teaching, written feedback from Teaching Member on at least two occasions is required.
- Co-teach with a Teaching Member, preferably with two different Teaching Members. This teaching should not only be clinical, but also include coaching trainees for ISST requirements (e.g., preparing and writing a case for STANZA membership, writing a symbol paper and other requirements for STANZA membership). At least one of the coteaching sessions should be at an introductory/fundamental level of Sandplay therapy. In co-teaching, written feedback from a Teaching Member on at least two occasions is required.
- On two occasions co-facilitate with one or more STANZA or ISST Teaching Members two Sandplay group supervisions or clinical discussions. In co-facilitation, written feedback from the Teaching Member on at least two occasions is required.
- Be familiar with STANZA’s Constitution, Articles of Association, Rules of Procedures and Code of Ethics and pass them on to prospective students.
- Be familiar with ISST Statutes, Rules of Procedures and Code of Ethics and pass them on to prospective students when requested.
There is no deadline for the completion of these requirements. Individuals are encouraged to work towards meeting these requirements at a pace that is comfortable for them.
The prospective Teaching member is advised to identify a STANZA Teaching Member of at least two years standing to act as Teaching consultant. The Teaching consultant will advise and provide direction for applicants in their preparation to become a Teaching Member. They will also collate evidence and when all requirements are met to their satisfaction will propose the applicant and forward evidence to the STANZA Secretary who will log the application and forward it to the certification committee and to the Executive Committee. The Teaching consultant will not necessarily fulfill the evaluation of all items 1-7 as these may be conducted by various Teaching members.
The onus is on the STANZA member wishing to prepare for Teaching Member status to make arrangements with Certified Teaching Members to fulfill these requirements. Any costs that may be incurred are negotiated directly with the Teaching Members concerned. Arrangements for this are made directly with a Certified Teaching Member.