Heather Lesley-Swan is a Jungian Analyst (CG Jung Institute Zurich), Certified Sandplay Therapist and Teaching Member of STANZA and ISST. Among other qualifications Heather holds a Masters is Psychotherapy, Post-Graduate qualifications in Counselling and Communications Management and Ethics Education.
Heather is in private practice in Sydney. She has taught Sandplay Therapy in most states in Australia, Singapore, the US, Switzerland and China, and supervises in several countries. She was a founding fellow of the ANZ Sandplay Therapy Institute, a philanthropic group supported by many international ISST teachers to develop professional competence in authentic Sandplay Therapy in Australia and New Zealand. Heather gives her time generously to STANZA and therapists progressing towards global certification as a Sandplay Therapist.
Northwood, NSW (near Lane Cove)
or Zoom, web alternatives, telephone
$180 per 50 minute session
A five session package option is also available, generally pre-paid.
ISST candidates are encouraged to discuss.
See also Group supervision fees