Sand and Psyche: Introduction to Jungian Sandplay Therapy for Adults
Dates and Times:
Saturday 16 November 2024
9.30am – 12.30pm
1.30pm – 4.30pm
Melbourne (venue to be announced)
Sandplay is a therapeutic method developed by Dora M. Kalff, based on the psychological principles of C. G. Jung. It is a powerful nonverbal, symbolic, and sensory form of therapy that gives adult clients the opportunity to portray experiences and internal states, often difficult to express in words and/or inaccessible.
Sandplay Therapy activate preverbal and somatic registers. Using experiential sand activities and clinical material Jungian analyst and STANZA Teaching Member Sarah Gibson (Sydney) in collaboration with Jungian analyst Joy Norton (Melbourne) will introduce participants to the use of sandplay in an adult psychotherapy setting. They will give some attention to the ways in which sandplay differs from ‘sand tray’ work. Using clinical examples, they discuss how the sandplay therapist develops a symbolic attitude and therole of therapist when the client works in the sand, the processes of silence, reverie and delayed interpretation. There will be an opportunity for participants to experience working with the sand.
STANZA Certification hours:
3 STANZA Certification hours (6 hours Professional Development in total)
AUD$260 early bird (incl. GST)
AUD$280 (incl. GST)
CPD Learning Objectives:
- An introduction to sandplay therapy from a Jungian perspective
- A hands-on experience of the materiality of the sandplay experience
- Expanding awareness of the role of the body in sandplay therapy
- Training in introducing sandplay into a therapeutic setting
- Awareness of the difference of Jungian sandplay versus ‘sandtray’ work
- Developing knowledge of Jungian sandplay in depth psychotherapy with adults
Presenter’s Details
Presented by:
Sarah Gibson in collaboration with Joy Norton
Professional Qualifications:
Jungian analysts and Training Analysts and Sandplay Therapists
Presenter/s Bio:
Sarah Gibson works as a Jungian Analyst (ANZSJA) and Sandplay Therapist (ISST) and Sandplay Therapist Teaching Member (ISST) in private practice in Sydney. She has been working as a psychotherapist and sandplay therapist with adults for over 35 years. Sarah has a particular interest in sandplay, story and creativity. Sarah is also an artist and filmmaker.
Joy Norton is a Jungian Analyst, Training Analyst (ANZSJA) and Counselling Psychologist in private practice in Melbourne. She is the current ANZJSA president. Joy has an interest in the experience of the body in the analytic encounter, co-creative processes in analytic practice, and the ways image, story and psyche commune in sandplay to facilitate the unfolding and development of imagination and psychological healing.