Sandplay in Jungian Analysis
Jungian analysts Sarah Gibson (Sydney) and Joy Norton (Melbourne) introduce clinicians to sandplay in the context of Jungian analytic practice. They explore the role of the sand in sandplay and the place of sandplay within longer term psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Sarah and Joy will each show examples of their approach to working with symbols as they appear in the sandplay images of their clients. They will give some attention to the process of reverie and attending to transference and countertransference.
The seminar will focus on the ways in which sandplay assists clinicians working with trauma and with the preverbal and pre-symbolic with adult clients. There will be an opportunity for participants to experience working with the sand and natural objects.
This seminar will be of interest to clinicians unfamiliar with Jungian sandplay. For those already working clinically with sandplay the seminar aims to expand their awareness of the symbolic language of sandplay and deepen their knowledge of sandplay in Jungian depth psychotherapy.